If you don't use your extended warranty at the end of 5 years, we will give you your money back!
Have some peace of mind with our extended warranty option. You don't have to pay a deductible or any co-pay. Our warranties cover the service trip charge, labor, and parts. If you bought a lemon, no worries, they will exchange it for a new one. You also don't have to worry about calling any 800 numbers. Just call Darrell's and our warranty specialist will be your personal advocate and take of all the claims. Remember we will pay you back if your extended warranty goes unused. It is paid back in the form of store credit. We cover kitchen appliances like refrigerators, ovens, ranges, and dishwashers as well as washers, dryers, and other appliances for failures your manufacturer’s warranty may not.
If you have question about our plans, please contact us.. To something a little bit fancier.